Banned restricted products and services
No party shall, directly or indirectly, offer, trade or attempt to offer or trade, any item the dealing of which is prohibited or restricted in any manner under the provisions of law. Without prejudice to the generality of the above, does not permit hosting of following items:
- “Securities” within the meaning of the Securities Contract Regulation Act, 1956, including shares, bonds, debentures, etc. and/or any other financial instruments/assets of any description. While this does not prevent a share broking firm to host its website with, the trading of the shares through an e-store made available by is prohibited.
- Living, dead creatures and/or the whole or any part of any animal which has been kept or preserved by any means whether artificial or natural including rugs, skins, specimens of animals, antlers, horns, hair, feathers, nails, teeth, musk, eggs, nests, other animal products of any description the sale and purchase of which is prevented or restricted in any manner by applicable laws including those prohibited. Weapons of any description.
- Liquor, tobacco products, drugs, psychotropic substances, narcotics, intoxicants of any description, medicines, palliative/curative substances.
- Religious items, including books, artefacts, etc. of any description or any other such item which is likely to affect the religious sentiments of any person.
- Used cellular phone SIM Cards.
- Furthermore, you agree to display and adhere to a terms of use or other user-type agreement, as well as a privacy policy, governing Your operation of Your Store and Your conduct with Your Store’s customers.