Articles - Manage Information Page
The Information section lets you display all the specific company information in the footer of every page of the website. In this section, you can edit, add and delete the information pages. There are default information pages available like About Us, Information, Privacy Policy and Terms and Conditions as they are the most common and important information pages used in any Online Stores.
To edit any information on the information page, you can click on the click on the icon & you’ll be redirected to the page below:
While creating a new information page or editing an existing one, you will have to add a title, description, SEO keywords, sort order and pages enabled or disabled in the three sections: General, Data and Design. The information section looks as shown in the image below.
Let us take and Example of “About Us”information page. We want to edit the About Us Page and that can be done Under Manage Information Page. In the screenshot below, you can fill the information title and give a description about your website and company. The Data tab requires you to choose the store, status of enabled or disabled, SEO keywords and Sort Order.
The screenshot below displays how the About Us section will look on the storefront. This page can be accessed by the customer from the footer of any page by clicking “About Us”. You get an option in the Data section to remove a link to this page from footer.